Sunday, November 23, 2008

Week 2 work in progress...

This most definitely won't be my final pick for any of the other pages on my website, but I thought it'd be helpful to document all my ideas as I go along. Maybe I'll see something here later that'll inspire me to do something much much better. Anyway, this was mainly just rearranging the elements I already had on the home page. It's a start at least.

I'm starting to think, though, that I may not want each page to look so exactly alike...

Website: Week 2

So after messing around with the layout for a little while, I've finally settled on this for my home page. I didn't get any negative feedback on the design or layout so I didn't change anything. I'm currently working on the layouts for the other pages, which I think I'll have keep the same color palette. I also want to keep this same design image in the other pages. I want to utilize the box and the flower design, as well as more handwritten material for my other pages. I may incorporate different images though; possibly ones that seem more like living room photographs to make the page even more personal. I also have a few technical issues that were brought to my attention by classmates during the last class. For instance, I'm trying to do some research and figure out the most efficient way to post my images on my website so that anyone can see them. Also there's the issue of the guestbook page where my vision is to have visitors to my site be able to leave criticisms, comments, and contact information for me, however I need to understand the logistics of how to do this first. I wanted to put one page on here that would be more of a challenge than just how to design it. I know that since I only have four pages total to my website, that it doesn't look like much and I didn't want it to be too easy as a project for me.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Website: Week 1

So this is the initial design for the home page of my website. In all honesty I’ll probably change it a bit when I get to work on actually slicing up the different areas to make the website functional, but I like the majority of this layout at the very least. This layout design was done completely in Photoshop. I wanted a simple, uncluttered page for my homepage and actually for all the other pages as well. Every time I looked up other people’s personal websites for ideas I was always drawn most to the ones that were simple and elegant. This also works well for me since I’m very new to this whole thing and the simpler everything is, the better. I want the page to reflect my personal aesthetic and style and so all my colors are going to be very earthy and somewhat muted, with maybe a little bit of a bolder color here and there. I also want to incorporate some of my own drawing into the background layout designs. In this image, the flower design in the corner is something I doodled quickly with the tablet in Photoshop. I liked the look of it so I kept it, and my idea for the rest of the design is to incorporate my drawn designs and my own handwriting if I can get better at it. I’m still not very used to the tablets and my control isn’t where it should be for actually pretty handwriting. My plan for the content is to create about three or four pages including the homepage. I want a gallery of my work, possibly a resume, an “about me” page, and finally a guest book or “contact me” page. I’m very excited to get working on this and having it up and running!